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Hiking tour 30th of June 2007

We had already walked about 10 km

when these pictures were taken

We took a short break

and then continued with our walk

At the Auerbacher Castla

we met a man,

who told us all about the history

of this castle

Afterwards we were ready

to go up to the castle

as you can see on that picture

and then take a coffee break

Tyson and his Mom Zaskia

He does not even look tired on this picture

How nice it is to rest

There was a very nice place for this short break

As you can see, the dogs were also taken a short nap

Zaskia loves to be spoiled

Selina with Tabaluga and Honey

The two sisters, Rita and Dagmar

Our "pack leader" thought, that the break was long enough

So, here we went again and continued with our journey

Here you can see Anja in the middle, Athos to the right and Fame to the left

Water can be found all over in the mountains

Another nice place to take some pictures

Jason and Nora, Selina with Tabaluga and Honey

Little Jason, the son of Andreas and Gisi fall asleep

Tyson to the left and Simon to the right are watching out for him

Jason likes to be tracked around

The Dad also enjoys this, when his wife is pulling him and Jason

Close to the end of the tour we took another break in the vineyard

We tasted different of wines, which my sister Rita brought along for everybody

The wine is taking some affect

Maybe not only the wine, we walked about 17 miles that day

Gabor is very tired

As you can see, this man was carrying a rucksack

Dagmar with Tyson and Rainer with Dorcas

Just walking through the vineyards

Lasko looks so much like his Mom Indra

Lasko is 9 months old

"King" Tyson in the middle, with two beautiful girls, to the right Hera and to the left Dorcas

Jason with his Nora

Simon is a son of Zaskia and Gustl

This was our final destination. We had dinner in there in the evening

Everybody enjoying dinner

"Hundemama" is thanking everybody for joining us on this wonderful day

Everybody is listening

and then claping

The owners of Fame, the Arque family

The owners of Zantino, Mr and Mrs. Anderwald from Austria

The owners of Eleonore, the Strubel family

Cute Jason with Selina, she is the owner of Honey, the sister to our Hera

Mr. and Mrs. Stammwitz, the owner of Indira

My beloved sister Rita together with her man for life

This couple just fall in love with Tyson

They asked us to take some pictures with them and him together

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